Rules and Expectations of Indomitus 2024
Rules and Expectations For the Indomitus Slave
You must read and understand these rules and expectations in order to attend the event.
This is why the slave login is mandatory reading. 2021-2024 we had problems where each year, more and more new slaves didn't read the login at all, and came to the event. They struggled and we struggled. They didn't know their slave number. They didn’t know the rules. They didn’t know what their assigned job was. This never happened for 6 years until then. We want to make sure this no longer happens.
Rule 1. Vanilla areas are VANILLA
While we have lots of outdoor privacy, there are some areas of the grounds which are not private. We will have them very obviously marked with flags or something of that nature which we will discuss with you and show you when you arrive. Going past these markers means that you will be in shorts at the very least, a shirt if your back is whipped up from a scene, and no collar. You also won’t be talking about this kinky event, over in this area. Reasons why you’d go into these areas will include: arriving and leaving, getting something out of your car, going far away from the event to make an important call in quiet and privacy. Walking the grounds in it’s entirely with a Mistress to have a chat. Vanilla means “regular everyday clothes and conversation.”
Rule 2. No touching anyone without their permission
This goes for Mistresses and other slaves.
Rule 3. No Poppers or similar substances
We understand why people use this during play, but we do not condone them nor want them here. They are a huge, life-threatening risk, and while you don’t hear about the many people hospitalized who went into cardiac arrest from poppers which happen at dungeons or the homes of subs every year, we do! All the time! And no these people are not all “old with heart conditions.”
Rule 4. If you need to leave, just let me or someone else know so we aren’t horrified searching for you
If you need or wish to leave the event, you must tell someone. It is perfectly ok if the event is not for you, you should be happy that you tried something you always wanted to do. Sometimes these things are totally different than in the fantasy you thought it would be, and it’s not for you after all. We will NEVER take that personally or hold it against you, we won’t give you a hard time or a fuss. You should not stay somewhere that you are extremely uncomfortable at. That isn’t fair to you and we wouldn’t want this for you. Please, do not sneak out, or leave a note that will get lost or covered by someone putting a bin of supplies on top of it. It will create a huge panic and worry, of all of us searching for you. The person you tell will probably just give you a big hug and wish you well.
Expectation 1. Know Your Slave Number
In early Oct, if you are a new slave to us, you will be given a slave number, here in the login. We will list all of the attending slaves by number. If you are new to us, we will put your initials only, and what number you are. This is the number you will be identified as at our events, and earning through the weekend.
Expectation 2. Know you assigned job and how to do it
We assign each slave a job here in the login (usually right after we assign new slaves their number). We will be giving you a job at the event based on the skills listed in your application. If you didn’t put skills that pertained to something specific, then you will be assigned tasks which are easy. If you see your job listed and you know that you will NOT be good for this task, you must let me know immediately so we can switch this out. If you are assigned “making coffee every morning” and you like coffee but have 0 clue how to use a coffee maker, this is not a good job for you. I hope this makes sense.
Expectation 3. You should know the names of all of the attending Mistresses
In years 2021-2024 we began having slaves who had no idea the names of half of the attending Mistresses. This has been disrespectful. Make sure you learn those names.
Expectation 4. If you have an issue at the event with your physical or mental health, say something right away
If you are in a funky headspace, feeling sick (stomach hurts, headache), scared, or are having any issue, please tell the Mistress you are with that day who bought you at auction, or come and find me. If you are feeling unwell, you should take a break, perhaps you need a nap or some medicine. Taking an hour or 2 to rest, will help you enjoy the rest of the weekend. If you are in a funky state of mind, talking about it will help put you at ease and solve any issues for you. We are all highly-trained to help and very caring. If you are hot, thirsty or need to sit down and take a break, please advocate for yourself and take care of your needs.
Expectation 5. If you are having an issue with playtime comfort (too much pain, numbness from bondage) say something right away
Some of you have little experience with kinky playtime. Your Mistress will take this into consideration, however you NEED to know, that should she not see/know that you are in some kind of discomfort, you MUST say something. If she asks if you are ok to check in with you, you MUST be honest. Do not feel bad because she just took all of this time to tie you up. Do not feel bad because you don't want her to be mad at you. That will never be the case. This is about your safety both mentally and physically. We want you to be safe at all times. Not speaking up if bondage is too tight for example, can lead to nerve damage, which may become permanent. Always say something. Everything can be adjusted, paused, slowed-down or stopped. It’s a normal part of BDSM. We are always adjusting, pausing, slowing down or lightening the intensity of what we are doing, or stopping entirely and it’s always ALWAYS ok!