JOIN OUR ONLY FANS HERE to see behind the scenes of our events.
Submit to TOP DOMINANT WOMEN in an evening or weekend of ABSOLUTE SLAVERY! LAST EVENT AT THE LEGENDARY ESTATE is OCTOBER 18th to 20th with FEMDOM WEEK continuing until Wednesday. Priestesses Mistress Michelle Lacy, Miss Isobel Devi , Rubber Barbie, Lady Karma Domina Alexandra Snow, and more!
Location: Near Destin, Florida at the Siren House
OR book your individual slavery experience, in privacy with just YOU as the slave to Mistress Michelle Lacy, with the option of including her Mistress friends.
Frequently asked questions for POTENTIAL SLAVES
Q: How much does the event cost?
A: The weekend event (Friday to Sunday) is $3,400 EARLY BIRD ($4,000 Sept 1st onward)
Additional days to stay and serve:
Sunday and Monday for the Queens Realm party and the Monday femdom hangout/slave games (fees on application)
Additional event days (Sun to Mon, Mon to Tue etc) are ONLY for Indomitus event slaves.
Q: How do I send a deposit? When is the rest of the payment due?
A: We only take full payments. If the head Mistress approves, you might be allowed to give a few installments to secure your spot.
Q: When does the event start and end?
A: The slaves must arrive at 4pm Friday. The event is over at 12noon on Sunday. After 1pm, some of the Mistresses might partake in a photo or a video shoot from 2-4. If that is something you are interested in staying late to be a part of wearing a hood for your privacy, I can arrange that.
Q: I can’t get away for two nights. Can I come for one night?
A: Only if there is still space. Full event slaves receive priority. You can ask to be on a list.
Q: What if I cannot arrive at the arrival time or have to leave early? What if my flight is delayed or canceled?
A: There are no refunds. Credits to another event are given on a rare case by case basis.
Q: Are both evenings the same?
A: There are different games and events that go on, on different days and nights. Some will be postponed and replaced with a different event due to the weather. No game or activity that is outdoors is ever guaranteed due to weather, but we do the best we can to make most of the events and games happen, and they do, about 95% of the time. If you want a shot at experiencing the maximum amount of wild and erotic activities and games, you should give yourself over for the full weekend. Some local and very famous Mistresses might sometimes spend an afternoon there or drop by for a party on top of the women already present and advertised for the event. We cannot control whether they decide to show up or not, or which day or activity they feel like coming by for.
Q: Are we trained? How will we know how to serve you? I have never done this before!
A: There is a slave training boot camp Friday for ALL servants once all arrive and are accounted for. You will be tested throughout the event on what you remember from the training. It goes over rules and protocol. Also slavery positions of servitude. Even servants who have served Mistresses before, still do not understand how to serve US and that is why all must start from scratch and be trained according to our needs.
Q: What rules are there?
A: The rules in terms of slave protocols are taught at the boot camp.
Other rules:
-All must read this FAQ thoroughly, a requirement before applying.
-No male must touch any other person at the event without explicit permission from said person.
-No one must ever ask for sexual services of Mistresses.
-Anyone who does not feel well must immediately step out of a game or activity and seek necessary assistance
whether that is a simple headache or an old knee injury acting up again.
-You are allowed to leave if this is not for you but there are no refunds as our event attendance is limited in spaces available,
this is made extremely clear via this website.
Q: Do we use fake names? How are we identified?
A: You will be given a slave number, that is your number forever. It will be written on your chest (with removable ink, that we need to re-write each day because it comes off so easily). By day 2, we have you all memorized. Should you return, you will be the same number. No other slave will have your number. For example, slaves in the very first event, will always be slaves 00I-008. The next event will be 00I-0016. If a slave already has a slave number from another event he attends elsewhere or that another Mistress gave him, and he would like to use it here, it must not already be taken. Our last event featured slaves who returned and new slaves so the line-up looked like "012, 023, 043, 044, 045, 046" etc.
Q: Is transportation provided?
A: You are responsible for your flight and/or ride to the estate. It is not included in your fee.
Transportation may be provided in the case of an emergency or some sort of major problem, let me know. Sometimes a fellow slave can help.
Q: What airport am I going to?
A: All slaves must head to VPS (25 min away), Panama City, FL (50 min away) or Pensacola, FL (1hr 20 min away)
Q: What do I need to bring with me?
A: We have a few items we require you to bring. You'll know what they are when you get your acceptance letter. Slaves are punished for forgetting a requested item. The items are easy such as a toothbrush, soap, etc.
Q: Are we fed?
A: Slaves will be fed 3 meals a day. Hopefully you are well behaved and the Mistresses will be kind enough to not kick your bowl over into the floor forcing you to eat off of the floor, or for her to dip her sweaty toes into your water bowl. Your meals will be based off of the "Mistress menu." All food allergies and restrictions are accounted for and taken very seriously. Slaves have raved about our meals and being fed well. Don't misbehave and change that.
Slaves must ask permission for snacks. A Mistress may allow you to have a snack in a fun and devious way. There are always snacks around as it is important everyone is always well fed and hydrated. Don’t wait until you are about to pass out to ask for a snack.
Q: Is there a schedule of meals, bedtime, games, etc?
A: There is a rough schedule. It will change due to weather, etc. This is not an event where we stay up very late and sleep all day. All slaves are locked up for the night for 8 hours whether they are put to bed at midnight or 1am. Use that time to sleep as much as possible.
Q: Will there be any play? Or just tasks/chores and overall servitude?
A: Yes. There will be lots of play with the Mistresses. Between the events, games and evening play parties, there is so much more than rubbing feet and fetching sandwiches. There will also be lots of downtime to have conversation with some of the Mistresses if they wish, and opportunities to serve them more personally.
Q: Will there be photos/videos taken during the event? I cannot be in pictures/videos.
A: I will only take photos of hooded slaves only, who said it was OK in advance. If you cannot be in any photos whatsoever even with a hood, you get a wristband on each arm. That is the signal that tells us that even hooded, this is not OK. We barely take any and enjoy leaving most of it up to the imagination. After the event ends on Sunday at 1pm, between 2 and 4, I will be taking some promo photos and video for the event, and some Mistresses will be shooting a scene or two for their clipstores. If you want to stay and hang around and be in those promo photos or videos with the women and help them re-create some of the more memorable scenes, you can. You can be hooded. If you want to take a few photos yourself with the Mistresses, that can happen during this timeframe.
Q: Can I take a few photos with the Mistresses after the event is over for myself?
A: You may take photos with any willing Mistress, after the event is over when no one else is around. Ask her/them.
Q: I have luggage due to staying in Florida for a while. Where can I keep my suitcases?
A: We recommend bringing them in the house, as it is hot and your things might get damaged in a car trunk. If you are driving, you can leave it in your car trunk, locked. If you aren’t driving, we can keep it in the house in a closet. Due to the heat, we do not recommend leaving electronics in your car, or shoes (your soles could melt off of your shoes if left in the heat for days). Put padlocks on your suitcases. We aren’t responsible for stolen items (thankfully we have never had a theft issue). There is plenty of room to store your things in the house if you need to.
A: I need to be able to check my phone. Is that allowed?
Q: You can check it ONLY IF MANDATORY. Just ask a Mistress.
Making an IMPORTANT call is allowed under (silent), distant, Mistress supervision, in front of the house, away from noise and everyone else. You are not allowed to wander around with your phone due to us not allowing cameras in the event. This is why you are under Mistress supervision when using your phone.
Q: Where will we sleep?
A: Some slaves will be caged, others locked in shackles and chains, chained up.
All will be sleeping on memory foam, with a pillow and a slave blanket. You are a slave, do not expect a pillow-top mattress in your cage. Your middle of the night bathroom problems are taken care of via you being given a jug to piss in. If you are claustrophobic or have any other issues, we will work with you.
Q: What if it’s too hot?
A: It could feel like Spring, or it could be very hot. No outdoor activities will be done mid-day if it's hot, or on particularly hot days due to this. Indoor activities and pool fun, will take place during that time. Outdoor activities will be done in the morning while it is still cool, and early evenings when the sun dies down. Even when we do the outdoor activities, some will involve hoses, ice, and there will be a shaded area with cold water bottles. If any slave feels overheated, he MUST tell us immediately, and drink lots of cold water and rest indoors. This area of Florida is on average about 75-85 degrees. The house and dungeon has AC.
Q: I’m fair skinned and burn easily. What do I do?
A: There are indoor activities, and outdoor activities. We will keep you in the shade as much as possible during outdoor activities. You as well as the other slaves must apply sunblock. You may omit an activity due to fear of getting a bad sunburn or worsening an existing one, especially if you are on medication that can make you burn easily. You will burn to the point of possible sun poisoning if you do not apply sunblock and stay out of the sun often. Take care of yourself. WE PROVIDE SUNBLOCK! USE IT!
Q: Can I sign up for the event and also bring my actual Mistress with me?
A: Your Mistress must be interviewed and approved by me and then approved by The Order. There may be a fee for her to attend. Inquire for details.
Q: Can I bring my professional dominatrix with me?
A: Same rules apply as above, and any compensation between you and her has nothing to do with our event.
Q: I know this young woman who is just starting out. Should I tell her to go to this as an apprentice?
A: The Mistresses are allowed to bring approved and interviewed apprentices because they are responsible for them and are training these women themselves back home. As a slave who is running around in a dozen different directions, you cannot possibly be responsible for this woman’s antics should she cause trouble or misbehave. I will make an exception only if there is a reputable Domme who is training her and gives me a full report on her behavior and personality.
Q: I am only going to the event because Mistress ________ is going. What happens if she isn’t able to go? I want a refund!
A: We have never had a Mistress back out of an event before but even still, we are not responsible for all of the Mistresses stated on our website to attend. We get sick, have deaths in our families and are human just like you are. We promise a minimum of 5 Dommes, and that is what we provide at the minimum in addition to the possibility of visiting Mistresses and Apprentices. Refunds are not given because certain Mistresses had to cancel and you only wanted to be there because of her. All the Mistresses featured on our site, approached us, were approved, and promised to be there but there are some things out of our control. We have never had a Mistress cancel yet in 7 years, but that's not to say one may not be able to make it in the future. It's a very slim chance, but there's still a chance it could someday happen.
Q: Will my limits be respected? I’m kind of afraid of being hurt or violated. Are there safe words?
A: Saying “mercy” will get any Mistress to stop her actions and assess the situation. We will push your limits all weekend, however we are not looking to cause harm, ruin someone’s life or scar anyone emotionally. You might be placed in some limit pushing situations but all women will be paying very close attention to you and stopping when it seems like you cannot go anymore. ALSO, some men here are not masochists and are not given pain at all. The event is not all about pain, nor is everyone expected to take pain for us. We have barely heard safe-words uttered here because our Mistresses have been so intuitive to our slaves.
Q: I play heavy and bleed AND/OR I go into subspace easily or might go into subspace. I want to be safe.
A: First aid kits are at the house and dungeon. All slaves as well as our toys and equipment are tended to in the utmost professional manner. Slaves are taken care of as far as subspace/mental/emotional aftercare and wound-care if needed. Slaves are never put into a dangerous position on a piece of furniture who might be involved in heavy play leaving them to possibly get dizzy, faint, and hurt themselves falling off of that piece of furniture. Slaves are secured safely to furniture especially for heavier play, and monitored for signs of subspace, etc. We have stopped heavy scenes despite a masochist in deep space begging us for more and he was happy afterwards that we did. Aftercare is very important to us.
Q: My fellow slave just got whipped to shreds and I am scared that is going to happen to me.
A: That slave is a very heavy masochist and requested heavier play in his interview. Like previously stated above in the F.A.Q., your hard limits are respected. You might be getting hit with a fuzzy fur flogger.
Q: How are the Priestesses chosen?
A: By their reputation for professionalism above all else. They must not only be experienced, but also be sane and safe with a great history of safe and sane play. They must not be involved in heavy drinking or drug use. They must show that they have a very real interest in the Femdom lifestyle and they understand it and live by it to an extent. Even the most famous Mistress will be turned down due to an unprofessional history of unsafe play, or a history of current drug use. Visiting experienced Mistresses who aren’t Priestesses are allowed to watch, join in on only approved scenes, and be served by slaves as well. Apprentices are only allowed to participate in certain scenes with the guidance and supervision of a Priestess. They are not allowed to conduct their own scenes with slaves, except for very simplistic and safe scenes such as foot worship, humiliation, etc. It sounds complicated, but it’s actually really simple and keeps everyone safe.
QA: I had chosen to not attend the event due to a personal obligation, but now my plans changed and I can attend after all. The event is beginning soon. May I attend, despite it being last minute?
A: If there is an extra space or a cancellation, then yes, send full payment immediately upon us accepting you.
QB. I have paid for the event and now I cannot attend the event. Can I get a refund?
A: Due to the nature of the event and me needing to hire women based on number of people attending who then booked flights, and also due to the limited space, there are no refunds and this payment cannot be used for a future event. You backing out of the event and requiring money back will cause issues for me with the event due to the plans I made around you attending. This is a serious event with limited space and Mistresses hired based on a specific ratio. Do not pay if you do not plan on attending. If there is a proven very serious medical issue or very bad weather delaying/canceling several flights, we may take into consideration holding your funds for a future event.
Q: How is the payment processed? I’m married and have privacy concerns.
A: There are discrete and safe ways to attend the event without a paper trail and there are ways to pay with a credit card which do not have the event name on the statement. Just ask. We accept cashapp and in some cases, credit cards over the phone only. Don't send CC info.
Q: Do we/can we tip the Mistresses?
A: Absolutely, but it is not required at all so don’t feel pressured. At these weekend experiences, some choose to tip everyone a little something. Some choose to tip their favorite Mistress or Mistresses only. There are envelopes and paper. You can write letters at the end and put tips or giftcards in envelopes with names on the outside. I’d say most slaves in every event tips. 1 or 2 bring a nice bottle of wine or chocolates. A slave sometimes feels he needs to present something nice to the Goddesses when he arrives. This isn’t required, but always appreciated.
Q: What will you say the “mood” or “vibe” of the event is?
A: It’s different each time and depends on the personalities of who is attending. Every woman brings something different to the event. 100% of your time is being spent in a non-stop femdom environment with a small undertone of fear, a bit of laughs, a certain amount of comfort, a certain amount of unknown, and depending on what turns you on, a dash to an over-dose of eroticism. The more femdom you are turned on by, the more erotic you will find the event. For example, one man might find rubbing feet a huge turn on, another might just simply find it to be service. One man might be turned on by a Mistress caning him, another simply is getting lost in his headspace and finds it euphoric, and another might hate it and truly feel he is being punished. One slave might find a bunch of women in latex to be an enormous turn-on, another might not see the fuss. Everyone is different. It’s so hard to say.
Q: I’ve never done anything for so long before. I’m afraid I won’t make it through the weekend.
A: Try your best. I’ve seen guys who have never even seen a dominatrix before or had lifestyle play only who are brand new entirely, last a weekend at an event and have felt really proud and accomplished. It’s amazing what you can do, once you force yourself to do what you are afraid of. Plus we are great with newbies and nervous slaves. You are in good hands. We have only had 1 person leave early in the 48 slaves who have signed up and even he lasted 24 hours (he doesn't like group settings and just came to see what it would be like because he won the raffle). Every scared-to-death slave has ended up staying the entire event, even if trembling and frightened.
Q: Am I not in-shape enough? Healthy enough? Too young for this? Too old? I’m disabled due to _________ .
A: You must be at least 21 years old to attend. Age above 21 does not matter. Weight does not matter. Body type does not matter. Physical ability does not matter, as long as your doctor tells you what you are and are not capable of, and you are following your doctors orders while attending OOI. If you have health issues where attending an event like this would be dangerous for you, you should not attend. You should not attend this if you have an existing heart condition. Doing so, puts not only YOURSELF but everyone at the event at risk if something were to happen to you.
Like stated above, you are inspected, interviewed and placed in a slave job having to do with what your physical abilities are. You may not be able to partake in 2 or 3 games if you cannot run around, but might use that time to spend massaging a Mistress or fan one who is watching the games, or hold her drink. However, feel free to use the event as an inspiration to get fitter, or healthier if the games are something you would really like to do and are competitive. You don’t have to be the most fit person, but 2 or 3 games does involve running around a field a bit. If you feel you get out of breath easily, you can easily improve that by going for a brisk walk starting at 20 minutes a day before or after work from now until the event and increase your time as you go. The event is not filled with male models. It’s every race, every age, every body type, every ability. I hear these fears all of the time from subs, but trust me, you are not too fat/thin/old/ugly to go.
Please do not hesitate attending the event due to a disability, as we will find a way to work with you.
Life is short. Live it to the fullest. APPLY NOW